Massive DDT Dumping News
Reports during the week of April 25 reported on discovery of massive number of barrels from DDT production found in ocean off Los Angeles. The DDT waste apparently came from Montrose Chemical. There i a link of Montrose to the remediation in St. Louis, Michigan. Not only did St. Louis have massive dumping, in it case in the Pine River, but the contamination of the water table under Los Angeles by pCBSA (para-Chlorobenzene Sulfonic Acid), a byproduct of DDT production, tipped-off US EPA in 2005 to look for pCBSA in the St. Louis Water System. After pCBSA was found it resulted in a successful lawsuit to secure funds from the insurance of Fruit of the Loom and Velsicol for costs f a new water system. Here is a link to one of the stories about dumping n the Pacific: Scientist: Extent of DDT dumping in Pacific is ‘staggering’ (