Webinar on Future Funding for Superfund Friday March 11 - 3:30 EST
The Funding the Future of Superfund webinar will be held on Friday, Mar. 11 at 3:30 p.m. ET/12:30 p.m. PT to celebrate the reinstatement of the "polluter pays" tax, which will fund the Environmental Protection Agency's Superfund toxic waste cleanup program.
We will hear from U.S. Congressman Rep. Earl Blumenauer, who fought hard for this policy, as well as community members, activists and experts. We'll discuss what this funding means for the cleanup of Superfund sites across the country and what still needs to be done to ensure that no one lives in a community threatened by toxic waste.
Here are links to join the zoom meeting,
To join, RSVP here to receive a Zoom link in their email: https://uspirg.webaction.org/p/salsa/event/common/public/?event_KEY=1279
Or, you can join using this Zoom link: https://publicinterestnetwork-org.zoom.us/j/96396897466?pwd=R1pmZ0NkY0VMaklXZ1RIQnVRdHgvUT09Webinar ID: 96396897466
Password: hqtk4L.P